What is Email Filtering, and How Does it Work?
What is email filtering? Email filtering is a process used to automatically categorize, block, or allow emails based on specific criteria. It helps identify spam, malware, phishing attempts, and unwanted emails by analyzing subject lines, attachments, and sender details. The primary goal of email filtering is to ensure that only legitimate and relevant emails reach users' inboxes while keeping harmful content at bay. Types of Email Filtering Email filtering can be classified into various types, depending on the specific security and organizational needs. Below are some of the most common types: 1. Content Filtering Content filtering scans the body and subject line of an email for specific keywords, phrases, or attachments. If an email contains flagged content, it is either marked as spam, sent to quarantine, or blocked completely. This type of filter helps prevent phishing emails and malware-laden messages. 2. Spam Filtering Spam filtering helps in identifying and blocking unsoli...